Sorry, but the forum is no longer available. If you have a question, please raise a ticket on the ticket system.

RIP the forum.

For many years, we've run a forum on This was setup to give the community a chance to get together and help each other out. We did not provide support via the forum, instead support requests should go to our ticket system, and we even had a disclaimer on our forum telling people to use the ticket system. This has worked well, but times change.

Nowadays, with the economic situation as tough as it is, people want a lot of value for their money, and rightly so. They want support, and they want it now, and that's something we strive to do when they raise support tickets. Unfortunately, some users would get confused with the purpose of the forum ( despite the disclaimer at the top of the forum page ), and if the other members of the community didn't answer their questions in a timely manner, they'd leave bad reviews for Jomres. Naturally, we can't let this continue.

From today ( 10th of March 2016 ) the forum is no longer available, and any requests for support must come via the ticket system. I'm sad it's come to this, but I see no other way of ensuring that paying customers get the support that they need, when they need it.