Vince's Blog

Keeping you up-to-date (Jim Beam not included)

Jomres 9.9.10 released

This version (9.9.10) is mainly a tweak and bugfix version, however it does add a few changes related to a new plugin that we will be introducing soon which offers some great new functionality for new sites.

Stay tuned for more updates on that, folks.


Jomres 9.9.10 31/08/2017

  • Change Changed how we upload user profile images to make it consistent with media centre uploads, so we can use db image details, s3 and cloudfront integrations. Existing user images need to be reuploaded. Added support for adding hidden media centre resources that can be used internally and don`t show up in media centre dropdowns. First use for this is user images.
  • Change Modified feedback message handling so that it also uses redirect messages.
  • Change Changed position of the user feedback div in admin area
  • Change Broke user initialisation into own method as we need a way to re-initialise a user programatically sometimes.
  • Change Modified 99994 trigger so that all 99994 triggers are called after redirection not just one specific webhook trigger.
  • Change Improved the jomres_properties class to ensure that created properties custom text always uses the newly created property uid.
  • Fix Fixed a bug in new category searching functionality
  • Fix Solved a problem related to duplicate coupon discount on invoices
  • Fix Solved a problem related to widget selector showing up on search results pages
  • Fix Fixed a typo that was preventing some deferred tasks from running
  • Fix Added missing property categories output in bootstrap 2 and jquery ui templates
  • Fix Solved a problem in the installer related to language context default value
  • Created on .


vince picDeveloped and maintained by Vince Wooll, Jomres was initially conceived in early 2005 as a Mambo based solution to a client’s hotel management needs. While it wasn't originally expected to be an online booking system it quickly morphed into one as users requested more and more features.

As the number of feature requests grew Vince knew that he would need to dedicate more time to the project and in July 2005 Jomres was released as a commercial project. Since then Jomres has become the world's oldest online booking plugin for any PHP CMS. It has been used in Joomla 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 3 & 4 and WordPress 4, 5 & 6.

Aladar joined the project in 2010 after using Jomres for his own projects. He was active on the forum, helping other members of the community and eventually Vince invited him to join the team. Between 2010 and 2018 he was an integral part of the project and made many significant contributions.

Whilst not formally part of the Jomres project, Rodrigo Rocco and Vince have become firm friends. Rod is a freelancer who specialises in doing custom work for Jomres users and developing custom plugins for the system that take advantage of it's modular design. He has built many useful extensions including his fabulous Valentina Template Override Package.

Jomres and the Jomres Logo is trademarked and can't be used without written consent from the owner. is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Joomla! Project, Open Source Matters or the WordPress project. The Joomla! & WordPress names and logos are used under a limited license granted by Open Source Matters and the WordPress Projects.

© Copyright 2005 - 2022 Vince Wooll