A new feature in Jomres 10 is the review ribbons feature.



A new feature is the review ribbons feature which overlays Bootstrap 5 property output, for example in the new upcoming Property Grid plugin shown here.

I'll go into the nuts and bolts of the feature in a moment, but first a couple of screenshots. First is from Property Grid, the second is from the Core search results/list properties view.





First, the wording comes from language files. This is in the English language file : https://github.com/WoollyinWalesIT/jomres/blob/master/language/en-GB.php#L2608

Next, the decision on which language string to use is determined in the reviews class https://github.com/WoollyinWalesIT/jomres/blob/master/libraries/jomres/classes/jomres_reviews.class.php#L781 This is the file you would modify if you want to change how they're scored.

I decided to be very generous with deciding how to score a property. If a property scores less than 5 there's still a getout for them in that if they offer a discount then (not shown here) a ribbon stating that the property is discounted is shown https://github.com/WoollyinWalesIT/jomres/blob/master/libraries/jomres/classes/jomres_ribbon_generator.class.php#L77