Jomres 9.10.0 has been released.

This version is a significant version bump because the installation process has been completely rewritten to modernise it and to integrate it more tightly with the host CMS.

We have tested this as thoroughly as we can, however because this is quite a large change we cannot stress how important it is that you remember to perform a site backup before you upgrade. It's something that we always say when we release a new version, but it needs to be repeated.

Main changes

From this version forwards we will be changing how release versions are handled. Up until now we would have a Master version, which the current release (e.g. 9 .9.19) would be from, and then the next release would be a new branch such as 9.10.0.

In the future we will have two significant branches, Master and Nightly. Nightly is where we will keep changes that have been tested but we haven't yet released to a Stable (Master) version. You will be able to install the currently Nightly through your CMS's installer. In Joomla you will be able to create a new installation of Jomres by enabling Debugging in Global configuration. If you already have an installation of Jomres then in Site Configuration > Debugging tab set your installation to Develoopment mode. Once you have done that then you will be able to upload the installer (see our downloads page) to update your site. Stable releases, as normal, will be available through the host CMS's built-in update functionality.

This approach makes it much easier for users to collaborate with us in testing new functionality without having to use git to update their servers. In the future we expect to add the ability to pull specific branches too.

Other changes

 As well as the installer changes, there are some other tweaks.