This is the Hello World Simple plugin as discussed in the manual.
This plugin is an example of a properly constructed Jomres plugin that outputs Hello World. It gives you a blueprint for creating your own Jomres plugins.
It is installed through the Jomres Plugin Manager, Third Party Plugins tab.
Once installed it adds menu options to both the frontend and administrator menus of Jomres 9.9+, in the "Misc" menu section in the frontend and in the "Help" section in the administrator area. When clicked, those menu options display Hello World in both the Administrator area and Frontend.
The scripts have plenty of notes, so feel free to dive into the code in /jomres/remote_plugins/hello_world_complete/.
This file is an example property import csv for use with the property import plug. You can use this as a template for building your own csv files for data import.
When importing you will need to ensure that the Region IDs match those in your installation, ditto for country ids. You must also ensure that none of the descriptions contain carriage returns.
This zip file contains example code that will allow you to test that your Jomres installation's REST API is able to return an access token through the Implicit Grant Type flow.
Open the for full instructions.
This is the NBE booking form.
By the time you've downloaded it, it's almost certainly out of date. For the most recent version of the files contained in this plugin please use the Jomres Plugin Manager to install this plugin.
Use one of the following in property_header.html
{jomres_script show_property_slideshow &property_uid={PROPERTY_UID}&image_size=large&slideshow.html=slideshow_thumbs.html}
{jomres_script show_property_slideshow &property_uid={PROPERTY_UID}&image_size=large&slideshow.html=slideshow_lightbox.html}
{jomres_script show_property_slideshow &property_uid={PROPERTY_UID}&image_size=large&slideshow.html=slideshow_baguettebox.html}
Or one of the following in property_details.html
{jomres_script show_property_slideshow PROPERTY_UID=N&image_size=large&slideshow.html=slideshow_thumbs.html}
{jomres_script show_property_slideshow PROPERTY_UID=N&image_size=large&slideshow.html=slideshow_lightbox.html}
{jomres_script show_property_slideshow PROPERTY_UID=N&image_size=large&slideshow.html=slideshow_baguettebox.html}
After following the instructions in the blog post