Two new plugins in the Jomres plugin manager
There are two new plugins available in the Jomres plugin manager :
Property types display, and Top Panel, both are for Bootstrap 5 (ie. Joomla 4).
The Top Panel plugin is designed to be placed in a top menu position and it offers modals for changing the current language and the current currency that the guest uses. It also offers login and registration links as well as an "Add your property" type link. The login and registration links go to the CMS's login/registration pages and the Add your property goes to Jomres.
If you're running a current version of Joomla 4 you might need to ensure that users are able to register by visiting Admin > Users > Manage > Options and set "Allow User Registration" in the first tab to Yes.
The Property Types Display plugin produces cards of property types. You will need to be running Jomres 10.1.2 (which should be released later today) because there's a new feature in there that allows uploading of property type images.
These plugins are for Bootstrap 5 only. I will not be producing template sets for Bootstrap 3 or 2.
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