Subscriptions plugin rewritten
v6.0 of the Subscriptions plugin has been released. This plugin is now free.
The rewrite significantly improves the onboarding process of new managers, forcing all non-super property managers to become subscribers before they can use Jomres features.The goal here was to make it exceptionally easy for site administrators to monetise their Jomres installations.
This is a significant rewrite of the Subs plugin to make use of the Stripe Subscriptions API. As a result you will need to save your Stripe API keys in Administrator > Jomres > Subscriptions > Subscription Gateway Settings before you attempt to create any Subscription Packages.
Subscription packages created in Jomres are automatically exported to Stripe as Products and Prices associated with those Products, which is why you must set your Stripe API keys first. The process of setting those keys are exactly the same as the process for setting API keys for taking booking payments, so you will probably be familiar with it by now.
For this reason, it is recommended that you create one Free subscription package. You can then create more subscription packages that charge managers for using features like Payment Gateways, Extras etc. If a subscription is cancelled, including free subscriptions, then all of the property manager's properties are unpublished. When they subscribe again, they're republished.
The Jomres Nightly branch has a handful of small changes made to it that improves the user experience with respect to subscriptions (menu options not available on their subscription are disabled, for example). You don't need to update to Nightly, but you can if you want.
Sometime over the next few days I will release new versions of the Blowan and Vanilla Joomla 4 Portal Quickstarts with the feature installed and integrated.
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