Postman settings for Jomres v10.4
There's a new release of Jomres, v10.4. It's mainly a maintenence release, but a new bit of code is for preventing Bots and crawlers from filling up the sessions table. We don't mind bots visiting the site, but the session records that are automatically created for them so that their booking and search preferences are saved is a total waste of storage so it's nice to get rid of them.
This is great, however the library that Jomres is using thinks that Postman is a crawler. It's probably right, in most cases, however this means that if you're using Postman to access the API, particularly the new Booking API endpoints, you'll find that the API will respond that the Property id hasn't been saved, even if you've hit the initialisation endpoint correctly.
If that happens, in your Postman collection for the Booking API create a pre-request script like the following line. That'll fix the problem for you.
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