I'm back (did ya miss me?)
Some of my regular users may have noticed that I have been unable to provide ticket support for the last few weeks.
For this I have to apologise profusely. Two months ago my landlady told me that she wasn't going to renew my rental contract and instead sell her house. Having been a renter for 20 years and having been forced to move home several times because this has happened to me before, as you can imagine I was very angry at having to do it all over again.
Although Jomres is a great tool, it's a very niche product and the income it provides, especially in this day and age when we're all trying to compete with the big OTAs, isn't huge. It pays the bills, but it's not enough to afford a mortgage.
To me, at my stage in life, rent paid now is wasted money. In Spain rental fees have gone through the roof in recent years due to services like AirBNB. Yes, I see the irony.
Determined to not be put into the position of having to find another property to rent at an exhorbitant fee so that I can keep the dogs with me, and then go through the whole "moving house" thing yet again in three years I decided that drastic measures were needed. After doing a lot of research I decided that the solution was to move, lock stock and barrel, to East Europe where house prices are much more affordable.
This involved selling most of what I own, buying a car that was big enough for me, the dogs and whatever I could carry, and driving across the continent. Four thousand kilometers later the eagle has now landed in East Europe and we are currently ensconced in a property that I intend to buy over the next few months.
So, I'm back. It will take me some time to catch up with outstanding tickets while setting up my new life here, and I hope that you'll be patient while this happens. Again, I'm sorry that I was unable to communicate this earlier.
All the best!
I'm aware that Jomres is currently unpublished on the Joomla Extensions Directory. They've introduced a tool that automatically scans JED extensions for broken links and it appears that their tool is buggy as it reported links from the JED to Jomres.net as broken where they were not. Unfortunately their tool reports the unpublishing to an old email address, not my account there's current email address so this went un-noticed for a few days.
I've reported this fact to the JED and I expect Jomres to be republished soon.
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