If you want to install Jomres into an existing Wordpress or Joomla website then we recommend you use the content management system´s Install from Web feature. The following videos show you how to do that.
Install from web into Joomla
Install from web into Wordpress
If you're absolutely determined to do it the hard(er) way, then download these files and follow the instructions in the manual :)
Jomres for Joomla
Requires an installation of Joomla 3.2 or above.
This is the component installer for Jomres. It can be installed from Joomla Extension Manager just like any other component. Jomres Core itself is free, and enables you to have a basic yet working booking system on your site for one property. If you want access to plugins, which greatly extend the functionality of the system, or you need to manage more properties, please consider purchasing a Zero, Silver or Silver+ license.
Jomres for Wordpress
Requires an installation of Wordpress 3.8 or above.
This is installed like any other Wordpress plugin through the WP Plugin Manager and is the recommended process by which you can install Jomres into Wordpress. All it does is include a copy of the web installer from the section above which is run when you activate the plugin. When you choose to start the web installer will download and upzip Jomres Core. Follow the onscreen instructions as they're simple to follow.
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